Following the untimely passing of a renowned seasoned Mexican Actress tributes have flowed all over social media. In this respect that Susana’s grandkids are being sought after by her admirers and followers.

Susana Dosamantes Grandchildren: Eros Bazúa Rubio, Andrea Nicolás Vallejo-Nájera Rubio

Paulina Rubio’s biological mother, Susana Dosamantes, is said to have died from cancer. The 74-year-old was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer earlier in April this year after being hospitalized at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami.

María Luisa Valdés Doría first shared the news through her social media account. She told the press that Susana’s death occurred at 11 am on Saturday, July 2.

The actress was survived by her three grown-up kids; Paulina Rubio, Ana Paola Rubio, and Enrique Rubio Jnr.

As well as her three grandchildren Eros Bazúa Rubio, Andrea Nicolás and Vallejo-Nájera Rubio

Susana’s 51-year-old daughter Paulina happens to be a renowned Mexican singer and the mother of her grandkids.
